Sunday, December 11, 2005

Party's Over

San Antonio Police Department Non-emergency Line, how may I help you?
ME: I would like to report a noise complaint.
SAPD: What is the address? . . .

I suppose I'm getting old and bitter, but I figured 2:45 a.m. was a reasonable time to call the cops after my neighbors from across the pool had probably around 30 people in their apartment, were playing their stereo at full blast and had their doors, windows and balcony wide open, while cars in the parking lot had another party going on and they were chatting with the people from the balcony three stories above. Since 10:00 pm.

I was willing to ignore the whole incident, since I never go to bed before 3:00 am anyways, but then they started playing "Gasolina" and some of that other Daddy Yankee crap. Now, those who know me well are aware that there are some things I would put up with, but tacky latin music is certainly not one of them. In fact, tonight I needed silence, I'm writing a 30 page paper I need to turn in on Tuesday, and I still have quite a bit of research to do.

So I called the cops, grabbed a pack of salt & vinegar chips, a coke, and sat outside my balcony. By the time I was done with my chips, two cop cars pulled up in front of the party, everyone went inside, the music was turned off and peace returned to my neighborhood.

I'm ok with parties, but not when there is complete disregard for the neighbors. Heck, play your music as loud as you want, but at least have the decency of keeping your doors and windows shut. Oh yes, and make sure your guests don't have 30 minute conversations screaming to the top of their lungs with people parked three stories below who seem to have their car stereos in "vibrate" mode (you know, the kind that makes you whole car vibrate when you park next to them at a red light).

Well, I guess it's time to get back to my paper now that I can concentrate again...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess your paper was due today. Congrats on finshing your first semester in Grad school.


December 15, 2005 12:16 AM  

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