Friday, December 02, 2005

Sick, Semi-Conscious {SNOOZE} Pleasure

I have a confession to make.
I can snooze my alarm clock for over four hours.
I get a sick pleasure out of the semi-consciousness taking place during the few seconds when I get up, press the snooze button, realize I CAN go back to bed, feel the warmth of my comforter, wiggle my toes and fall asleep again, only to be awaken ten minutes later and {SNOOZE} realize I CAN go back to bed, feel the warmth of my comforter, wiggle my toes and fall asleep again, only to be awaken ten minutes later and {SNOOZE} realize I CAN... six times per hour, for four hours.
I think I would do it longer, but my alarm clock gives up after the 24th time I snooze it. Maybe I should complain to the manufacturer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my kind!!! My record for snoozing is two hours.....back in the old ages at UST. I am sure I could've gotten it to four hours if I didn't have Olivia throw the pillow at me.


December 03, 2005 3:12 PM  

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