Monday, December 05, 2005

iTunes & Coffee

Good Morning.

8:30 a.m. Not bad. I only snoozed my clock seven times this morning, I guess I should do that when I really need to get up, set the alarm early and account for an hour of snoozing. As I said last night, nevermind that last post. I just had an orange juice, peanut butter and jam toasts, and I am now sipping on my coffee as I listen to NPR's story of the day. And yes, it's sunny outside and all that good stuff. Oh, and I created a new smart playlist on iTunes called "90 days", it includes only songs I haven't heard in 90 days or more...that seems to take care of the faulty "randomness" which is never really random and plays some songs over and over while ignoring others. It's beautiful, as soon as the song is over it gets purged from the list, and when 90 days have gone by it will be included again.
Well, it's Monday. Two finals this week, including my beloved Statistics class. By Thursday I'll know if I failed or passed with an A...humm... I really don't care anymore.
Enough Blogging for today, at least for right now...Something tells me I'll be back this afternoon.


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