Friday, December 02, 2005

Wine for Your Cheese

"Wine for Your Cheese" is the name I gave to the first problem (route) I set on the climbing wall. I guess after setting a few problems it stops been noteworthy, but being my first, I figured at least it deserved to be blogged for posterity. It's a nice warm-up/endurance problem meant to be worked after finishing "The Real Cheese" (hence the name), which goes all the way around the climbing wall. Neither one of them makes you go any higher than a couple of feet at most, but they're long and are good starters for your day at the gym. "Wine" has nineteen moves if I remember well, and if done after "Cheese" you will probably end up pretty worked out.
Now all that's left is for me to wait until Wednesday or Thursday to see what other climbers think!


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