Sunday, December 04, 2005

Ignore Me Tonight

Some days I just feel like I don't really care that much about politics. The whole world can go to hell, I just want to sip from my warm cup of tea, take a hot shower, go to bed and listen to Sigur Ros until I fall asleep.
Perhaps tomorrow I can get up, finish my stupid papers, study for my finals, and get this semester over with. Then I should throw a pair of jeans and two t-shirts in my backpack and take a bus south, cross the border and take 753 pictures. Don't ask me why I picked that number, what difference does it make?
Maybe tomorrow I can save the world, figure out whether Non-Self Governing Territories will achieve independence in the next decade, understand what the hell is a standardized multiple regression and why should I even give a damn about it, and call the ex-ambassador of Venezuela to see if I can go do research in Caracas next summer. My dear friend, I finally understand what you meant when you were disenchanted with Poli Sci; it can really get to you some times.
I think I'm just going to teach, and have my summers off, and make 35k a year. And I don't give a damn what anybody else thinks. In fact, I don't even want comments on this post, so they're not allowed. And probably tomorrow I'll read this again and ask myself: mi mismo, what was I thinking? And I'll have an irresistible urge to delete this post. But I wont, because...Well, because I won't. And when I wake up it will be a sunny day, and the birds and the bees, and the flowers and the trees and blah, blah, blah.

I'm sorry if I'm grouchy tonight. Give me a break. Let's just pretend I have my period ok? It's not important, really.

Good night