Sunday, December 11, 2005

Dominoes, Activists, Sparrows, Museums, and Stupids

If all the stupidity of this world could be summarized in a single incident, it would be the killing of a sparrow that, trapped in a building, knocked off 23,000 dominoe pieces that were being lined up to break a "world record". This is what I mean:

1) 100 people worked on this frivolous project, setting up over 4 million dominoes.
2) The four million pieces were to be toppled, and the Guinness World Records organization was to certify the "achievement".
3) A sparrow got trapped in the building and a exterminator was called before the bird jeopardized the project.
4) The exterminator shot the bird.
5) Animal rights activists went nuts, condemning the killing of the bird, and setting up a website in its honour.
6) The organizers of the purposeless dominoe record held a televised memorial for the bird.
7) Authorities kept the body of the bird in a freezer once the issue became a "criminal matter"
8) The exterminator was fined 170 Euros (perhaps the single reasonable action in this chain of events).
9) A museum in Rotterdam will put the bird's body on display over a box of dominoes.
10) It all happened in the Netherlands.

What ever happened to famines, genocide, crime, refugees, torture, global warming? I mean, seriously...100 people? 4 million dominoe pieces? 1 dead bird? a criminal investigation? a televised memorial? a museum exhibit? IN WHAT WORLD DO THESE PEOPLE LIVE? I suppose the more "advanced" a society becomes, the more they remove themselves from reality.

This is the BBC Article where I read the report.

It gets better, I just went to the sparrow's memorial website, and somebody posted this:
"Not a sparrow falls to earth without God's knowledge and concern"
Matthew 10:29

Sigh. Get a life people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you got a nice-sized laugh out of me with this and all i can say is:
umm wow.

December 14, 2005 12:07 PM  

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