Sunday, October 16, 2005

Climbing at Reimers

See below for the slide show of this Saturday's trip to Reimer's Ranch, an amazing climbing spot a little over an hour away from San Antonio.
I'm sorry about the small size of the pictures, I had to compromise and make a choice between resolution and storage space, which is very limited on the free version of FotoFlix. I hope you enjoy the slide show. I also have a great 30 second video of Than working a problem and everyone else cheering him up, I'm checking out Google's new video hosting service, so they have to preview and authorize the file before it can be posted, I have already submitted it for review. As soon as it gets cleared I will post a link here, so check back in a couple of days at the latest. The slide show is set up at 4 seconds per slide. I suggest instead of clicking PLAY, simply click NEXT to scroll to the next picture. For some of them 4 seconds is barely enough time to see what's going on, for others it's is a long time. Also, please feel free to add comments, I like visitors!

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Posted by juanpablo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey JP thanks for taking the time to put up all those good pics

October 20, 2005 7:58 PM  
Blogger Juan Pablo said...

My pleasure! Remember to sign your comment if you don't have a blogger account, otherwise I don't know who you are! Just add your name at the end, no need to sign up.

October 20, 2005 8:04 PM  

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