Saturday, October 15, 2005

Research-a-lot + grad school drama

So now I have two jobs! Well, I'll work for two people doing the same thing. I got two research assistantships with the Poli Sci department, one with Dr. Bellows on International Relations and Asian countries, the other with Dr, Rosales on Mexican American labor and migration. Pretty cool stuff! The only problem is I don't know how I'm going to manage to do that AND finish all my school work! I'll be busy this weekend. I have decided that I won't sacrifice rock climbing for school, so I might have to cut on sleep time or something, but I am going to climb.

Everything else is going well, except Statistics (not surprisingly it has become a major headache) but apparently if I get a hundred on the final I can make up for my shameful performance on the midterm...there is hope! I seem to understand multiple regressions better than the basic stuff at the beginning of the semester (which I still don't get).

There is a lot of drama with some people in my class involving married people cheating with other students (who knew nothing about the marital status of the people involved) on the program and some other not-so-nice stuff. Apparently next week everything is going to "go public" and hell is going to break lose. It's going to suck because there is already a lot of tension and a bunch of us are going to be faced with taking sides. Just to be clear, I am in no way involved in this, other than being friends with the quarreling parties. I wish I could say more but I prefer to maintain my fellow students' privacy, just in case someone from the program ends up getting my blog address.

Next Wednesday I'm going to attend an orientation conference on how to get certified as a teacher while I finish my Masters. I am still considering my options but teaching seems to be more and more appealing as time goes by, we shall see...


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