Monday, October 10, 2005

One of those days when you sigh four times.

Good, next Spring's schedule is up! Let's see what classes I can sign up for...humm... Nope, not that one, or that one either, uh, I'm not taking that, or that...great. Nothing I like. Sigh. That's a good start for my day. After this happened I also found out that I can't drop a class I'm failing miserably, because it will put my attempted credits below the 67% limit required to get Financial Aid next year. Sigh again.
I then got ready to go to the Downtown campus (i.e. ride my bike to the 1604 Campus, then take a 45 minute bus ride to downtown) to meet with the professor I will be working for as a research assistant, who finally got in touch with me after I sent him two emails, called him, and stopped by his office to schedule an appointment TO HELP HIM FINISH HIS FUCKING BOOK. Of course when I get there after freezing my ass off for 45 minutes on the damn city bus the man was not there. Sigh once more.
Very well, I suppose I can use up the time I was going to work with him to go rock climbing at the school's wall, and on my way I can sign up for the climbing competition coming up in a couple of weeks. Of course, it got canceled, wasn't that supposed to happen anyway on a day like today? Sigh yet again.
I did get some climbing done after all, and even though it would have been the perfect day for me to fall and brake some ribs or get run over by a car on my way home, neither one of those two things happened, so I guess it wasn't such a bad day after all. I made a delicious dinner, ate it while I typed this, and now my coffee is ready and I have a wonderful date with "The Culture of National Security," whose 562 pages are spread wide open in my bed just waiting for me to devour them by tomorrow at 5:30 pm. What else can a man ask for? (Oh yeah, I'm going to make sure I get paid for those two hours I wasted going to the other campus.) No more sighs for today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am proud of you son, you learned
the lesson. Never give up!!You will reach your goal. keep going. Love you Gladysita.

October 19, 2005 8:33 AM  

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