Sunday, September 11, 2005

Don't Do It

I shouldn't be reading old posts, they make me a bit nostalgic. Though this time I was actually pleased with what I wrote. Have you ever read something you know you wrote and wish you never had? I hate that feeling. It hasn't happened for a while, and I suppose that is a good thing. Funny that you could regret even thoughts you had eh? That is what writings are: just thoughts, ideas, stories.
I try to stay away from my computer when I have to study, otherwise I get sucked in and spend hours reading stuff online, mostly unimportant, random articles, and every now and then I find something interesting. For the most part, it's sheer procrastination. That's what I'm doing now. I took a break from studying, walked past the computer and told my self: "my self...don't do it"...(yeah, it really doesn't sound the same: Y me dije a mi mismo: mi mismo, no lo hagas") but I did. I turned my Mac on, checked my email, opened my blog, read old posts and felt the need to write.
Here I am, 45 minutes later, with still three chapters to read and a book review to write for tomorrow. Fortunately it's a self imposed deadline, so I have a bit of lee-way. But I have to finish that book; I'm trying to get ahead because some friends are coming over next weekend. And I keep telling myself, don't do it, stay away from the computer...sigh.


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