Wednesday, August 24, 2005


This week I learnt that I can take home (or at least part of it) wherever I go.
I took great pleasure in unpacking my stuff at the new apartment in San Antonio. It was almost like Christmas. Opening every box took forever, because I would find things that reminded me of people...Friends, family, places...
Waking up the next day I felt unusually comfortable in this new place, unknown to me until yesterday, yet familiar because of the furniture, the pictures on the walls, and all of my belongings.
I felt at home. I can't really describe it, but it seemed as if I had always lived here...more like, I belonged here, and this is the place where I was meant to be.
I suppose those are good things if you're going to be in a new town where you don't know anybody, where you're starting a new life. I hope I can post more often again, I get my connection at home on Friday. For now I'm using the wireless network at school, but I have to ride my bike back home so I better get going, it's dark outside, it's almost 11 pm...


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