Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Can you be guilty of something you never realized was happening?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

like what?

June 25, 2005 4:01 PM  
Blogger Juan Pablo said...

Anything, really. I remember learning on my Ethics class that you cannot be held accountable (at least to God) for unknowingly breaking a rule, or by doing something you did not know were doing. For instance, you are throwing rocks down an unnacessible cliff by the sea, when all of a sudden somebody climbs from underneath cursing at you for having hit them with a rock. Did you do it? Yes. Are you responsible for his wounds? No. You caused them, indeed, and you feel sorry for him, you even want to apologize but, it's not really your fault.
Are you guilty?

June 28, 2005 11:22 PM  

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