Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Corporate Sucks

Tomorrow is a big day at work. A regional manager is visiting our store and everyone is freaking out about it. It's all fake. We have quite literally reorganized every corner of the store to make sure we're following company standards, and we have been instructed to twist our information in a way to reflect that we follow the guidelines imposed by our home office in New York. It's ironic. We are encouraged to innovate at the local level, try new ways to display the merchandise and increase sales, but as soon as somebody from NY visits the store, we have to hide every initiative, every idea, every display that does not meet the company's criteria. The people at the home office live in a bubble, and the store managers at every district make sure things stay that way...they would not want to stick out with an idea and risk upsetting the CEO, oh no! They rather lay low and keep quiet.
So, tomorrow I will have to lie about what we do every day, and pretend that every STUPID idea they sent from NY is wonderful and that the merchandisers from the home office are geniuses. In fact, they are a bunch of morons who don't have a clue of what is going on in the stores, what sells, what doesn't, and what ideas work.
In the mean time, everyone keeps looking for a new job, and I'm glad I'm moving to San Antonio.
Corporate Sucks


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