Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A Date with my Mac

I am in the middle of a wonderful date. The first one I had since my breakup with Jenn. My date's name is ibook G4, and she is a beauty! I got it for my birthday....(ok, my birthday is in two weeks, but I couldn't wait!)
I have finally decided -against the strong advice of a few loved ones, and listening to the advice of many- to switch over to Mac. So long Bill, I am NEVER coming back! I haven't even gotten started with my ibook, and I still have an ipod mini patiently waiting in its box to be unpacked, ready to play for me! I decided against the larger ipod because of its size and weight. I could have gotten the 20Gb for just $50 more, but instead I went for the 6Gb mini. It took me a while to decide, but it makes perfect sense. It truly is much lighter and smaller, and it still holds 1500 songs at 4 minutes each. That's 100 hours of music, A LOT of music! And since I'll be using it to go jogging and maybe on backpacking trips, I know it will be more than plenty for me.
Well, until I meet someone else, I guess the ibook will be my best friend. I would have said "how pathetic" before, but believe me, I can shamelessly say this Mac is awesome! And since I am entirely "Macnalfabeta" (You will only get this if you speak Spanish) I will have to spend quite a few hours familiarizing myself with it. (For the non-believers, I know what you're thinking...You don't have to spend hours learning how to use your PC...Well, let me tell you something: I set up my ibook in 4 minutes and 27 seconds. I timed myself. When I was done, I even had a wireless internet connection up and running, and I didn't even have to bother looking for my IP address. Just two clicks and I was online! HA! Try that with a PC!)

Alright, my date is waiting. You'll hear from me soon!


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