Sunday, May 08, 2005


It's funny to realize how much can be learned from an episode of Sex and the City. Here I am, after four in the morning, thinking about this stuff. I had fun tonight. I hung out with some old friends, ran into some more -even older friends-, and talked about nothing for hours at a bar. We then watched part of the fifth season at a friends' place.
Some people do like to go home by themselves and take a cab in the middle of the night in New York City...that's who they are, that's what they want, and doing otherwise just doesn't feel right. Others prefer the safety of companionship. There is no right or wrong, just NYC.
I might delete this in the morning. I've had three Red Bulls, two Jack and Coke's and three episodes of Sex and the City before driving back home, so, be nice to me.
This is hardly the right time to be writing about this, for many reasons. Then again, this is my blog, so I guess I'm at least entitled to write whatever comes to mind.
It's late and I'm not making sense. Time to go to bed. Goodnight.


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