Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Stickers on your apple

My apple had a sticker on it.
Not that I've never noticed the stickers on fruits before, but this was the first time that I realized how sad it is that they're actually there. I mean, don't apples come from trees? Why in the world should I have to peel a sticker off its skin before I eat it?
My grandmother used to tell me to wash an apple before I ate it, because it was "dirty". Now I have to wash it because of the only-god-knows how many chemicals that have been sprayed over it. And even then, after having washed the skin and peeled the sticker off, my apple is not really clean. It has more than likely been genetically modified. In other words, it's fake.
So are the houses built on wood skeletons, the new cars made out of cheap plastic, the landscaped avenues with non-native trees planted by the sidewalks, the frozen meals, and the "100% natural" orange juice. As well as the muscles gained with muscle enhancers, the slender bodies after liposuction, the voluptuous chests and perfect noses after plastic surgery. And the green eyes with contact lenses, or the blonde hair that has been dyed. Or the knowledge gained from the Cliffnotes to The Catcher in the Rye, and the "Speak French in 10 hours" courses.
"Lose 20 pounds in 5 days", "Learn Spanish While you Sleep", "Look 10 years younger" signs everywhere.
Fake. Be fake, live fake, desire fake, want fake, buy fake.
And the stupid sticker on my apple looked so innocent.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so sad to admit to the reality of this fake world. I think living in the western modern countries, we have lost the concept of what is really important in life and living in harmony with nature. I encourage everyone to travel to lesser developed countries to experience a life without all the luxury, convenience and comfort that we have.

May 04, 2005 10:49 PM  

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