Thursday, May 05, 2005

Spring thoughts, deeds and did-nots'

Bonding with my mother, driving my sister to work, picking up my step dad from his chess game, cleaning up my room, doing my laundry, emailing old friends, thinking about washing my car, packing up her stuff. Sorting through my junk mail, reading a new book, going to the gym, trying to eat some more, waking up before noon, even going to church, trying to take some pictures, finding friendships where there were none, wanting to get a dog, needing new shoes, not liking my favorite watch anymore, staring at my cell phone, watching too much CSI, CSI Miami, CSI New York. Staying away from music, wanting to play some songs, wishing to write better, needing to climb a wall, liking the sunshine better, hoping it doesn't get too hot. Going to tan at the ugly pool, hoping my sister will move soon to her new place, meaning to exchange the broken couch, wanting to quit my job, dreaming of going hiking, far away and for a month. Wishing August was here, a bit afraid but ready to go, closing a book at my own pace, slowly closing a door, waiting for financial aid results before requesting a loan, wanting a hitch in my car to tow all my boxes alone. Watching the clock go by, one minute, two, three, too slow. Not when I'm running late, then the bastard never slows. Eating Altoids chewing gum, getting cravings for bananas, eating three and four in a row. Turning my computer off at night, not checking messenger so, but wishing to hear some news, from friends and family too.
May, June, July August... here I come.


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