Monday, June 13, 2005

A Walk in the Park

A walk in the park is always a good way to go. It's fun to stand barefeet on the water streams (but make sure not to get your foot stuck in there!), and don't move if a mosquito bites you, because you will spoil the moment. (Of course, the mosquito already did that, but, would you rather scratch or keep kissing her?) It also helps to get old memories out of your mind, and to begin attaching new meanings and new memories to familiar places.
We saw a young gay couple holding hands, a homeless guy sleeping on a bench, three kids riding their bikes around the obelisk, and several rabbits hopping up and down all over the park. She says she's a rabbit and likes them very much.
It was a fun walk, a fun night. It's nice to go for a walk in the park.


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