Monday, June 13, 2005

Too busy in Colombia

No email messages from Colombia, I guess they are too busy over there. Too many people, too little time, too many dates to remember I suppose...
Well, it's little things like those what give you the measure of true friendships. It sucks to be so distant, so far away. Yet the good intentions have to be on both ends. I really have not heard from those friends for a while, and it always seems like it is I who have to call or email before they decide to drop a few lines. Some dates I don't forget... February 14th, March 14th, July 8th, July 31st, September 17th, November 14th. . . I forget even my dad's birthday, but not my friends', even after 5 years.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of dates. when is your birthday?

June 17, 2005 11:15 PM  

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