Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Good ol' Webster

His name is Webster, he is navy blue and weights 8.5 lbs. Even after all these years, technological advances and such, I still have to go back and leaf through him every now and then. Yep, he's my big old Webster's Dictionary. I actually put him on a scale before posting this. Eight and a half pounds! That's how much weight I would like to gain, but regardless of what I eat or do I can never acomplish it. Maybe if I kept him under my arm at all times I would appear to be almost nine pounds heavier? I don't think so.

Even so, it is somewhat comforting to know that my computer's spell check doesn't know it all. And it wasn't even a tough word! I just needed some help translating from Spanish...for some reason "catarsis" didn't sound quite right, and obviously the spell checker was clueless. So I picked up ol' Webster and looked for the C's... Cataract...Catarrh...Catarrahl fever... nope, it's not there. It must have an H...

Catharpin....CATHARSIS! (Thank you Sebastian, if you're reading this -He is the one I was quoting on my previous post). Anyways, it feels really good to find instances when you actually need a dictionary and your computer can't do it all. It somehow validates my zeal for my heavy blue friend. I must admit it. I sleep better at night knowing I have an almost nine pound dictionary on my desk. Perhaps I am pathetic, true, but at least I know how to spell the damn word.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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June 28, 2005 11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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June 28, 2005 11:41 PM  

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