Friday, July 08, 2005

No Title, and the Star Spangled Banner

Some days I just have to force myself to write. I am in a bit of a dylemma since I actually have things I would like to comment on, but I know that it might hurt some people's feelings. While I figure out what to do I can update my last post by saying that my grandfather is, once again, back home. This time he was not so victorious over his illnesses. He actually has a full time nurse and a doctor's visit on a daily basis. But we talked today and he seemed in very good spirits, which makes me very happy.

Oh! there is something I have had mixed feelings about. This 4th of July I went to an outdoor theatre to celebrate independence day, and I surprised myself by instinctively reaching for my heart when the Houston Symphony began playing the Star Spangled Banner. It's odd, but as days and years go by I feel that I belong more and more in this country than I do in Colombia. I got goosebumps when the anthem began playing, I stood up, as I would have always done out of respect, but this time I actually felt part of the celebration. I felt American. I don'k know what my friends and family back home might think when they read this, and I must say that I have been wondering about the implications of it myself. I had a great evening, watched the fireworks, listened to the symphony and felt very much at home.


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