Monday, September 05, 2005

The Other Side of My Brain

A few months back I decided that I should separate the way I post my thoughts on this site. Some days I feel too political, some others I just need to blog about what I dreamt last night, or about something I thought about while riding my bike back from school.
So I wanted to have a space where I could post more personal stuff, and another where I could be more political, expressing thoughts on certain issues that might bore some of you. That's how I came up with Politick. You might see a few posts overlaping on both sites, and that is because some political issues are just too personal for me and I want to include them here. You are, of course, welcome to visit both. I've also posted a link on the right side navigation bar, just below my profile, which should make it easier to access Politick once this comment gets archived below newer posts. I hope you like it! (click here)


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