Sunday, October 09, 2005

Concordance and Print!

Well I've used Google Print before, but not to the full extent of its capabilities. Did you know you can actually search for all other books that have quoted the one you're looking at? It will even show you in which page (and yes, it will show you THE page) where your book was quoted. That's pretty amazing, it cuts down on research time by way over half! Another cool feature coming from an unlikely research source is's "Concordance". It shows you the 100 most used words on your book, and the font size of each word is tied to the number of times it appears on the text. Move your cursor over it and it will tell you how many times the word was used. Pretty amazing stuff. It even tells you the number of words you get per dollar or per ounce! That's going a little too far, I know, and it doesn't have a practical use, but it is just amazing that all this information is available now. Amazon also links to other books quoting the one you're searching for, but doesn't show you the page where they were quoted. These are resources that not even the Library of Congress has! I'm all for Google's project to digitize everything they can get their hands on.


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