Wednesday, October 12, 2005

iPod Again

And here they go again. Now you can get a video-playing iPod. That's great, except that if I had bought a nano last week I would have been really pissed I spent that kind of money and a month later Apple came out with something better. It happened to me before with the mini. I was pleased with my new toy, and less than three months later Mac launched the smaller nano. All I can say is that a lesson to be learned is to hold off at least two or three months before you buy the latest apple release, since they might sneak on you and offer something better the week after you spent your hard-earned money (or your parents') on their no-longer latest gadget. Innovation is a good thing, but please Steve, let us breath, and at least allow us a few months of indulgence with out cool little white things before you come up with something else, or I am really going to begin hating you and might just stop buying them once and for all. I know you're exploiting us and I'm fine with that as long as I can keep listening to my music and spinning the still amazing ipod wheel, but you better stop rubbing it in our faces. Slow down.


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