Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I just visited an old friend of a friend's (ex-girlfriend, to be precise) web page. The page is brilliant! I wish he had it in English so that many of you were able to enjoy it, but then again it would probably lose its authenticity. Well, he is a writer and movie critic (like, a real one, as in - he does it for a living) so many things make reference to his books, and he has also started a rather entertaining blog with a pretty cool feature! It has links to the short biographies of acquaintances, friends, and family who are part of his every day life. So you really get a feeling of what or who he is talking about when he refers to neighbor x, the church's priest, and so forth. You would not believe how this simple idea could make a blog a million times more entertaining and personal! There's some other pretty crazy and funny stuff like statistics about how many minutes he has spent eating, walking, reading and even performing bodily functions for his entire life. Don't get me wrong, it's not nasty or anything like that, it is just plain funny. There is also a "personal" map of Bogota, where he resides, with hyperlinks to points of interest -for his own life- such as his High School, his house, the neighborhood store, his work, and other things. In short, you really leave feeling you know this guy as much as you would a good friend, which is probably the purpose of the website anyways. And you have to keep coming back for more. His blog posts are funny, tasteful, and very well written. I'm glad I decided to check back and see what he was up to. Without any further introduction, and if you feel like practicing some Spanish, visit


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