Monday, May 30, 2005


The TV has been my best friend lately. The 28th passed with no pain, so I guess staying away from the computer all this time has been a wise and healthy choice. June is almost here, summer is almost here (it certainly feels like summer here in Houston!) and things are looking pretty good.
I'm planning a backpacking trip. It's just in the back of my mind, but I think I'm going to make it happen.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Tracking # 0304-1560-0006-9067-8067

Your item was delivered at 7:32 am on May 20, 2005 in LEAGUE CITY, TX 77573


Thursday, May 12, 2005


Yay Jenn! I knew you would get in! I'm proud of you, and I'm happy that you're going : ) Good luck with the scholarships! I'll miss you down here, but I know you will be doing what you love. You go girl!
Wow : )

Dead Computer

My computer is dead. It freaked out on me and the Windows Explorer won't start. I might have lost most of my pictures! I'm going to try to have it fixed but my hopes are not too high.
I guess it is time for a hardware update, I was still running on Windows 98! Now I'm just kicking myself for not having backed up those pictures.
Well, if you don't see any new posts for a week or two, now you know the reason!

Monday, May 09, 2005


Not yet.
-Take a shower, it will make you feel better.
I know, I know, but if I take a shower, then it will be time to go to bed.
-It is time to go to bed! But you need to take a shower first.
Extactly. But I still have to take it before bed right?
Then it won't be time to go to bed if I don't.
-No. I mean, yes! It is time to go to bed.
Not if I don't take a shower.

Heart of Stone

I wish I had a heart of stone
a heart so strong that I could toss
a heart so tough no one could touch
a heart so cold that it would stop

I wish I had so light a sleep
no dreams could ever find a ship
no dreams allowed when you're awake
no broken hearts when you're asleep

I wish I had so strong a will
to close a door and throw the key
instead I peek through the door knob
and wish I had a heart of stone.

I like to hold memories dear
forget the rest and shed some tears
reread the book, replay the song
and wish I had no hidden fears

To tear the pages, close the door
take down the flag, cut the head off
but no oh no, there I won't go
my heart is weak, my sleep is deep

I'd like to think that there is more
than being alone and on your own
that when you trust your dreams and soul
then you don't need a heart of stone.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Late, not Latte (R)

I guess I should register that as a song title eh? Humm..... that's a nice title for a lousy post. I'm going to have to come up with a story to go with it! This is what happens when I have too much time in my hands. Apparently, not enought to come up with a story though!


I don't know how to draw. I certainly don't know how to sing. I'm a lousy writer. And sometimes when I speak people understand other things. Oh, and my poetry sucks. Fortunately, I think I'm over most of those things, except when my words are misinterpreted. Yet my conscience is clean.


It's funny to realize how much can be learned from an episode of Sex and the City. Here I am, after four in the morning, thinking about this stuff. I had fun tonight. I hung out with some old friends, ran into some more -even older friends-, and talked about nothing for hours at a bar. We then watched part of the fifth season at a friends' place.
Some people do like to go home by themselves and take a cab in the middle of the night in New York City...that's who they are, that's what they want, and doing otherwise just doesn't feel right. Others prefer the safety of companionship. There is no right or wrong, just NYC.
I might delete this in the morning. I've had three Red Bulls, two Jack and Coke's and three episodes of Sex and the City before driving back home, so, be nice to me.
This is hardly the right time to be writing about this, for many reasons. Then again, this is my blog, so I guess I'm at least entitled to write whatever comes to mind.
It's late and I'm not making sense. Time to go to bed. Goodnight.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Get Better

Everyone gathered quietly on a circle around the man on the blue uniform. He calmly explained the procedure, the findings, the details. Everything was good news and an unanimous sigh of relief was heard in the waiting room. He then said, "I'll see you tomorrow" - and walked away. I'm glad I was there for her. I didn't do much, but I do not regret having sneaked out of work for a couple of hours, or having gone to mass to pray for his health this morning. Get better Eddie, your family and friends are cheering for you. I feel a bit like an outsider, but I too wish you get better soon. I know you will.

Go Canada!

this is an audio post - click to play
A lady cheered me up on the street as I was driving to work...

Spring thoughts, deeds and did-nots'

Bonding with my mother, driving my sister to work, picking up my step dad from his chess game, cleaning up my room, doing my laundry, emailing old friends, thinking about washing my car, packing up her stuff. Sorting through my junk mail, reading a new book, going to the gym, trying to eat some more, waking up before noon, even going to church, trying to take some pictures, finding friendships where there were none, wanting to get a dog, needing new shoes, not liking my favorite watch anymore, staring at my cell phone, watching too much CSI, CSI Miami, CSI New York. Staying away from music, wanting to play some songs, wishing to write better, needing to climb a wall, liking the sunshine better, hoping it doesn't get too hot. Going to tan at the ugly pool, hoping my sister will move soon to her new place, meaning to exchange the broken couch, wanting to quit my job, dreaming of going hiking, far away and for a month. Wishing August was here, a bit afraid but ready to go, closing a book at my own pace, slowly closing a door, waiting for financial aid results before requesting a loan, wanting a hitch in my car to tow all my boxes alone. Watching the clock go by, one minute, two, three, too slow. Not when I'm running late, then the bastard never slows. Eating Altoids chewing gum, getting cravings for bananas, eating three and four in a row. Turning my computer off at night, not checking messenger so, but wishing to hear some news, from friends and family too.
May, June, July August... here I come.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Stickers on your apple

My apple had a sticker on it.
Not that I've never noticed the stickers on fruits before, but this was the first time that I realized how sad it is that they're actually there. I mean, don't apples come from trees? Why in the world should I have to peel a sticker off its skin before I eat it?
My grandmother used to tell me to wash an apple before I ate it, because it was "dirty". Now I have to wash it because of the only-god-knows how many chemicals that have been sprayed over it. And even then, after having washed the skin and peeled the sticker off, my apple is not really clean. It has more than likely been genetically modified. In other words, it's fake.
So are the houses built on wood skeletons, the new cars made out of cheap plastic, the landscaped avenues with non-native trees planted by the sidewalks, the frozen meals, and the "100% natural" orange juice. As well as the muscles gained with muscle enhancers, the slender bodies after liposuction, the voluptuous chests and perfect noses after plastic surgery. And the green eyes with contact lenses, or the blonde hair that has been dyed. Or the knowledge gained from the Cliffnotes to The Catcher in the Rye, and the "Speak French in 10 hours" courses.
"Lose 20 pounds in 5 days", "Learn Spanish While you Sleep", "Look 10 years younger" signs everywhere.
Fake. Be fake, live fake, desire fake, want fake, buy fake.
And the stupid sticker on my apple looked so innocent.

Monday, May 02, 2005


this is an audio post - click to play


Mexico doesn't sound like a bad idea. Grab your backpack, take the bus and a couple of hundred dollars and see how far they can take you. Why not? I should.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

It must have been the stone

I took it with me last night, but I already had my pajamas on when we talked.
I was rude. I need to find a lace and keep the stone around my neck.
Lo siento