Thursday, April 12, 2007

The dog ate their email...

So, our incredibly efficient Homeland Security system still has its flaws, at least when it comes to gathering information from White House officials. I thought it was funny to hear that Karl Rove et al. used their Republican National Committee email accounts to conduct official White House business, thereby circumventing the record-keeping procedures that do exist for email accounts. As a result, communications regarding the firing of U.S. attorneys and other related issues have been conveniently "lost", and the Senate investigation might not have access to potentially incriminating evidence.

Right. Homeland Security can spy on everyone in America, listen to our phone calls and read our emails. I bet if they really wanted to they could retrieve the first email I ever sent from my very first account in Yahoo!, (which I opened over ten years ago). But three year old emails from Karl Rove & friends? No, those are "irretrievably lost"...How convenient. The dog ate their email, but I'm not buying it.


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