Have you ever felt like you wish nobody knew your damn blog's address? I might just do that some day, simply start a new blog and not tell anyone. I'm supposed to be able to say whatever I want on my posts, but I come from a place where once you know that X or Y will read what you have to say, then it is either no longer polite, or it is innapropriate to say it. I suppose I wouldn't make a good journalist.
I could succumb to a stupid and useless MySpace page and play "cool" music to greet my visitors while I try to outsmart all my friends into posting the "craziest" pictures of my self acting as dumb, or looking as hot, (or as cool) as my imaginary hotness would allow. Heck, I don't even know if the word "cool" is cool anymore or if I'm making an ass of myslef. That's when you know that there are one or two generations below you already...
Well, I suppose I hate the world tonight, for no particular reason, and I am pissed off just enough to be able to actually publish this rant.
Ok, I'll tell you. I HAVE MOVED. I HAVE A NEW BLOG. I just haven't decided if I should start using it or if I should stick to this one. It's not even hosted by blogger, and it is not indexed either, so don't bother trying to find it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so tough, and I sound so upset, or just plainly stupid. Then I'm pretending to be rough and all that. Anyone with "dos dedos de frente" (That's two fingers of forehead, and I'm not going to bother trying to explain it) would figure out what the new blog address is. [And I'm not pretending to say that if you can't figure it out your forehead is not large enough....(that's the usual me, already being apologetic and worrying about hurting someone's feelings)].
Well anyhow, it's out there, it exists at an 'undisclosed location', to borrow a term from the geniuses of this country, but I haven't posted anything on it yet, and even if I do, it was planned to be just a continuation of this blog, which I was going to retire. (And that last sentence was a run-on). In other words, it's more of the same. I was going (or maybe will) tell all of you where to find it...BUT I WANT ONE THAT IS MY OWN, and no, a journal just doesn't do the trick. What am I complainig about? All I need to do is get one.
Pheww.... I suppose ranting in an irrational manner for a few sentences does cool you off eh? Don't take it personal, I don't hate you, (maybe a little), I just wanted to vent. Tomorrow, I'll be posting about the birds and the bees and the flowers....or maybe even about Teletubbies. Maybe let's jsut not go there or I'll get pissed off again.
P.S. I wish my neighbor would stop laughing so fucking loud and my stomach didn't hurt. (Don't worry mom, I'm much better, and I've been eating fruits too. Aren't you proud of me? - For the rest of you, shut up-).
Good night.