Sunday, July 02, 2006

Salvador the Savior

What was I thinking? It has been quite a while since I don't feel inspired, and quite honestly, even I was gettig bored with my lame posts. I should have remembered a lesson I learned from a dear friend in League City: Music, Juan Pablo, it's all about the music!

After a couple hours of browsing through the All Songs Considered site, I found quite a few great live concerts, many of which are downloadable for free, and even more (also free) that can be streamed to your computer at any time. I highly recommend the Iron & Wine and Calexico concert, it was amazing. But what really blew my mind was this guy...Salvador Duran. As another confounded blogger said: "who is this guy"? You really should listen for yourself. Salvador is a Mexican trovador, and his impressive performance is even more mind bogging if you stop and think about the audience, the crowd was there to listen to a completely different kind of music, but at the end they cheered more for him than from the other two bands. (play the clip), and if you decide you want to download the whole concert, the page of Calexico and Iron and Wine's performance can be found here.

I decided to look him up, but there is no trace of Salvador, other than in random posts from other bloggers, all thoroughly impressed with his performance at Club 9:30 in Washington D.C. I did, however, find some art work (pictured above) by another Salvador, I assume, but his stuff was equally entertaining.

Anyways, I have three "thankyous" tonight, one for All Songs Considered for their great selections, one for Jennifer Schmalz for teaching me that life is not the same without music, and one for Salvador Duran, for Saving the night.


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