Monday, December 26, 2005

How to get a Mexican Visa - Day One

Find the website to the consulate to look up the hours of operation and requirements. You will find the following:

"Each individual nationality has got a set of regulations deriving from accords and treaties negotiated, or inexistent, between that particular government and our government. Those agreements deal with each individual immigration status, such as tourists, students, technical personnel, scholarship holders,retirees, company counselors, sometimes clergy, and so forth. These change from time to time according to international situations or renegotiation of certain aspects."

That's really helpful right? There is no mention of what countries have accords, how much the visas are, or what kind of documents are needed to apply for one. Of course, the hours of operation are nowhere to be found either. And the phone number is always busy. So, on day one, you will find out that you have to go to the consulate to ask what it is that you need to get a visa.


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