Friday, November 26, 2004

It's All Relative, Except...

We will be together in two weeks. And it now seems like time slows to a crawl during most of the day, until it stops. Then I'm with her, either on the phone or on Messenger, and I forget absolutely everything and everyone around me. We talk about life, about our day, about tomorrow. . .
And it is absolutely unbelievable. Time really stops. I could talk to her for hours and not even notice the sun has come up again.
Distance varies too, depending on whether we are talking or not, and even while we talk, some days the distance is felt deeply; some other we could almost touch each other if we closed our eyes and tried really hard.
I long to see her, I want time and distance to disappear, and be next to her, suspended in a bubble, forgetting night and day, and living here, now, squeezing the most out of every minute. Smiling at her smile, loving at her love...
It's all relative, except love. And I love her, with all my heart.


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