Friday, November 19, 2004

Where Would We Land?

So what if you catch me? She asked.
I can only say we'll never land. We will settle down some day, but love will keep us flying. There's no need to come back to the ground when the heart has already found true love.

The miniature Daffodils made it safely to Jenn's place today...The flowers haven't bloomed yet but they seem to be doing quite well. Apparently the same florist from whom I got the flowers helped her pick a gift for her mom's birthday a couple of months ago. Talk about a coincidence! I found the guy online, and she had actually been at his store before.

I don't think I'm the kind of person who follows "signs" very much, but when they happen, I do find them amusing. A week ago I was having a really bad day and decided to go for a walk. I ended up in the Chapel of St. Basil, and as soon as I walked in I saw there was a wedding rehearsal going on. What do you make of that? I don't know, but it certainly lifted my spirits.

Once again it is late and I'm still up, I just wanted to post a couple of things to keep the blog up to date. After this first GRE I will probably have some more time to work on it.


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