Sunday, November 28, 2004


She's not here,
yet I hear her.
I can't see her,
yet I feel her.
The phone rings,
my heart beats
and I just can't wait
to meet her.

I sit here
my eyes closed
pour my heart
on this damn blog
night is over,
moon is full
miss the woman
I adore.

And she's there,
on the screen
my heart beats,
my soul holds still
just another day
my love
just one more
and you'll be home.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Private Transport

In light of today's events (I took my car to the mechanic and I am now over a thousand dollars poorer), and to follow up on Jenn's post on public transport, I decided to blog my thoughts on the ecologically-unfriendly private transport.

My car. My own little world.
Why is it such a precious commodity for most people in America? Well I don't know about the rest of the country, but let me first point out to the unaware reader that Houston is perhaps the least pedestrian-friendly city in the U.S. There are no sidewalks near major roads, public transportation is inefficient and ridiculously cumbersome, involving three or four bus transfers if you need to get from one side of town to the other. Needless to say, you would have to allow at least two hours for this purpose, that is of course, if you actually don't have to DRIVE to the nearest bus stop and even pay for parking. It is just impractical, and evidently neither cost, nor time-effective.

Having said that (and acknowledging the argument that it is wasteful and selfish to drive around by yourself when you could just take the bus --really, I'm sure you would think twice if you had to do it here--) I'll tell you why I like to drive my car.

It takes me places, as fast or as slow as I want to. I play my music, or not, and I spend most of the time I drive thinking and philosophizing about any issues that concern me at the moment.
Driving is my therapy, it keeps me sane. If I ever feel like I want to run away, I just drive, for the pleasure of driving with no intended destination. My mind though, is going somewhere while I drive, and until it finds its way - or the solution to my worries - I don't stop.

I never thought of it this way before, but driving is very much like the thought process: An idea comes to your mind just as you get on your car and pull out of the driveway. Your brain begins to assimilate random thoughts while you set your radio to a station that suits your mood. Adjust the A/C to the proper temperature and the idea begins to take shape.

Then you come to the first stop sign, before jumping into the flow of other random ideas that need to be put together in a cohesive look both ways, see a clear space and drive off onto the main street that will take you to the highway. Here comes the ramp, and by the time you get on the highway your idea has a life of its own. Your brain is functioning at 70mph evaluating all the choices, and avoiding slower ones that might get in the way. Change lanes a couple of times, and you have almost reached a decision. Exit off the highway and you have made up your mind...Once you get back home and get off the car, your brain slows down again and the idea is put to rest.

Well, that is sort of what goes on in my head every time I drive; sometimes I manage to digest several ideas in one drive, some times one might take me a whole week of driving back and forth to figure out. My car is not just my transport, it is the space in which I think about life, and maybe that is why I like it so much.

Friday, November 26, 2004

It's All Relative, Except...

We will be together in two weeks. And it now seems like time slows to a crawl during most of the day, until it stops. Then I'm with her, either on the phone or on Messenger, and I forget absolutely everything and everyone around me. We talk about life, about our day, about tomorrow. . .
And it is absolutely unbelievable. Time really stops. I could talk to her for hours and not even notice the sun has come up again.
Distance varies too, depending on whether we are talking or not, and even while we talk, some days the distance is felt deeply; some other we could almost touch each other if we closed our eyes and tried really hard.
I long to see her, I want time and distance to disappear, and be next to her, suspended in a bubble, forgetting night and day, and living here, now, squeezing the most out of every minute. Smiling at her smile, loving at her love...
It's all relative, except love. And I love her, with all my heart.

I Shall Not Be Outblogged

Clearly it is not as fun to blog with pressure on you, but some healthy and friendly competition would not hurt. Jenn has started her own blog, and she has already posted 3 times in the last 2 days! With a little help getting her picture on the profile, yes, but the posts are all hers.

I shall not be outblogged!


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

She Heart's Juanes

So the truth is out, she heart's Juanes...
Just go here and see what I'm talking about!
Welcome to the Blogger community Jenn!
and of course, Calita too!

Those two blogs were created last night in, let's say, a bit of a hurry, but keep an eye on them; I know great things are comming!

Well, I have to go to study, but I couldn't let this day pass without welcoming IheartJuanes and Abeo to BlogSpot.

Sunny Day

Today I could see the sun for the first time in over two weeks! Apparently the weather will be nice for the next four days. Tomorrow I'm invited to a Thanksgiving dinner with Jenn's parents...humm...I'm bringing a White Chocolate Raspberry cake, I hope they like it!
This month is almost over and I will have to give my landlord a one month notice soon...I'm moving back to my parents' for six months to save up some money to pay for Grad School. I'll miss my apartment.
The GRE is....well, it's going...I'm still about 200 points short of my intended grade, so I have rescheduled it for December the 9th, one day before Jenn comes home. She has a lot of stuff due in the next two weeks, and I will have to concentrate on my practice tests too.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Where Would We Land?

So what if you catch me? She asked.
I can only say we'll never land. We will settle down some day, but love will keep us flying. There's no need to come back to the ground when the heart has already found true love.

The miniature Daffodils made it safely to Jenn's place today...The flowers haven't bloomed yet but they seem to be doing quite well. Apparently the same florist from whom I got the flowers helped her pick a gift for her mom's birthday a couple of months ago. Talk about a coincidence! I found the guy online, and she had actually been at his store before.

I don't think I'm the kind of person who follows "signs" very much, but when they happen, I do find them amusing. A week ago I was having a really bad day and decided to go for a walk. I ended up in the Chapel of St. Basil, and as soon as I walked in I saw there was a wedding rehearsal going on. What do you make of that? I don't know, but it certainly lifted my spirits.

Once again it is late and I'm still up, I just wanted to post a couple of things to keep the blog up to date. After this first GRE I will probably have some more time to work on it.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

A Fisherman of the Air

A Fisherman of the Air
This is a really great story I found. I was looking for flowers to send to Jenn, and I came a cross a small florist's website. Well, I bought the flowers from him, Jenn should be getting them this evening...miniature Draffodils, I hope she likes them. The florist had a link to his blog, so I decided to check it out. That man knows how to write, the post is a really moving story about a homeless guy who visits his flower shop. And a beautiful poem. Click on the red link on top. You will love it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Bush! ...I Mean...BOOSH!!

I guess I'm into maps this week; tell me what you think.
Published in the Houston Press. Available at Posted by Hello


I got it on an email, and tracked it down to this Posted by Hello

World Quest

I haven't posted anything for a while, in fact, I haven't done anything for a while, other than studying for the GRE. This Wednesday is WorldQuest! We have a good team, even though some of us don't know each other, but it will still be fun. I wish I could have stayed more up to date with the news lately...

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Bad Practice Test

So, I suck at Math AND Vocab for the GRE. At least that's according to the practice test I just took, and I better believe it! I still have two more weeks to get a better grade, so I guess I can forget about doing anything else between now and Nov 20th! (Except WorldQuest!)