Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Back in S.A.

Well, here I am again. I deleted 75 of the 767 pictures I took on my trip, then carefully edited most of the remaining ones. After doing this I decided to try a Flickr account to publish my pictures, which seemed pretty cool, and after spending 5 hours working on this I realized that it won't let me publish more than 3 albums. I had organized my pictures in like-groups (architecture, people, etc) now I need to decide whether I want to switch over to Yahoo Photos, which is free (but start all over again and have not-so-fancy services,) or if I want to pay $24.95 per year for a premium Flickr account and have access to all their options.
It's 4:30 am so I won't make that decision tonight. I just wanted to post for those who might be wondering whether I made it home and those who would like to see the pictures. Believe me, I'm working on it, as well as on a brief journal of my trip.


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