Saturday, November 12, 2005

let me tell you about the bee...

Last weekend I was rock climbing (I was actually up on the rock) while my belayer and other climbers were down below me sharing stories about bee and hornet stings and how so and so had gotten stung and how painful it was. Luckily I had reached a small ledge before two bees began hovering over my head. I just waved my hand a couple of times expecting they'll fly away, but apparently one of them was interested in my hair.

It got trapped in my curls.

Now, this was not funny at the time. I was hanging twenty+ feet above ground on a tiny ledge, and a bee was desperately trying to free itself from the curly trap it had gotten into. Have you heard a mosquito buzz at night? Well, picture that about 20 times louder and the wings flapping a million times faster. It sounded as if the bee was inside my head, and I was shaking my hair with both hands, freaking out about being stung or falling to the ground. Meanwhile the climbers below just stared and were probably wondering what the hell was wrong with me. I said " a bee got trapped in my hair" and they all looked at each other the way you look at your friends when you all -without exchanging a word- agree that someone nearby is really weird and probably belongs in a mental asylum. Until they witnessed the bee flying free and I finally stopped convulsing up there.
After that it was all a funny anecdote, but I guess that ought to teach me to wear a helmet when I climb eh?


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