Tuesday, November 08, 2005

You may [ ], but you may not [ ]

Maybe some day I'll just decide to post again as if no one knew my blog's address. It seems like most people close to me know where to find this, and although I guess that IS the point of a blog, it's taking away all the fun. It's funny how we can be so nice to friends and family and, without meaning any harm, have our own thoughts and opinions about what they think, what they say or who they are. For a while I was able to post those thoughts here, but as more and more people got to know about my blog I had to be more careful about hurting any feelings.
Some times I just don't care what my readers think, but some others I chose my words carefully or don't post them at all to avoid offending someone. I feel the day is coming when I will post a "disclaimer" warning everyone to read at their own risk. I think the day when I'll say you may [read], but you may not [complain] is not far, and I hope not to step on too many toes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

all blogs ought to be 'read at your own risk'. The world would be a much better place.

November 08, 2005 8:34 PM  

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