Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Unbreathable Trade-Off

I've been sitting outside one of my school's buildings for the past two hours trying to enjoy today's perfect weather. Yet, I don't even have to look up to realize I am surrounded by smokers. To my right and left people are lighting up cigarettes one right after the other, and just when it seems that they're finally done and I can begin breathing some fresh air, either another smoker shows up, or they pull out another smoke from their pack. It's the most frustrating feeling. I suppose I can go elsewhere -where I will surely find other smokers- to try to get away.
Then after a while I began to think, why should I stay locked inside and allow the smokers to enjoy the nice weather all by themselves? Moreover, they're spoiling the air, and make it not enjoyable to others. It almost seems like they're being rewarded when they're asked to smoke outside, and every table, bech, chair and umbrella appears to be a "smoker's only" area.
Non-smokers have no choice but to inhale the smoke if they want to sit outside, and of course we can't say anything, because anyone with a cigarette can argue "I'm outside, you can go somewhere else". True, I can go somehwere else, but why should I? What gives them the right to ruin my day? And anywhere I go -as long as it is outside- all I can do is shrug my shoulders and walk away if a smoker is nearby. I shouldn't be the one walking away.
I think all public seating areas should be smoke-free zones.


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