Monday, April 25, 2005

Two Flies and a Poisonous Snake

Two flies, two lazy flies are in my room. On my couch, just there. They're too lazy to fly. I'm too lazy to kill them.
Have you ever reached that point when you don't care about some things and simply let them happen?
In Colombia we have a joke, about two lazy men laying on a hammock. One of them asks the other: "do you know if we have antidote for poisonous snakes"? The other one responds yawning: "No, why?" - He replies: "Oh, I was just saying. There's one coming straight at us". Bad joke eh? Well. I've felt that way a few times lately. I don't even care if I have the antidote. Let the damn snake bite me and get this shit over with. Let the flies just be there. What do I care?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean: we have had ants and gecko all over our house in Phuket. After a while I just gave up. I guess, they have to live somewhere too.

April 28, 2005 9:30 AM  

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