Sunday, February 27, 2005

Books, without "The End"

Lately I have started reading several books, but I haven't been able to stay with them until the end. I have not given up, but for some reason I have began reading something else, and then something else, without finishing any of them.
I Have Seen the World Begin, The Noonday Demon, My Invented Country (Mi Pais Inventado), Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and Walden are among them. A People's History of the United States, Me Talk Pretty One Day and Catch 22 are next on the list, but THIS HAS TO STOP! So I better get started reading some of those unfinished books.
Any more titles you recommend? My list is long; those are just a few I'm hoping to finish soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me Talk Pretty One Day was really good. It was a very fast read. I read it about a week.
Currently, I am reading a book on "what to do and not to do in Thailand". It's interesting. Did you know, you should give and take things with the right hand because the left hand is used to wash your bottoms and considered dirty.

February 28, 2005 5:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pues vea, don Mariano. No se si haya leido algo, pero es para mi el mejor escritor norteamericano. Kurt Vonnegut, todavia patalea y da clases en la universidad de mineapolis, si no estoy mal. Es un viejo chocho de 85 aƱos, la mar de entretenido, al mismo tiempo que le plantea inquietudes filosoficas, y criticas politicas bien interesantes. LE recomiendo Breakfast of champions, Slaugtherhouse five, y Timequake.

Rato sin conversar, ala. Veo que anda bien juicioso, y organizado, y anal, como se auto-refiere. Yo le envidio algo de eso, ala, pues todas mis vainas andan por ahi, sin fechas, arrugadas y con manchas de coca-cola dietetica.
Yo? bien, en Asheville North Carolina, aprendiendo que dizque a hacer cine, y escribiendo pendejadas como siempre, como nunca.
Lo invito a MI blogger,
que aunque es bien escuelerito, sumerce puede opinar, y dejar comentarios. Ahora que tngo el suyo, le comentare mas seguido sus notas.
Por ahora buen viento y buen remar, que es que tengo que darle rejo tanto a palestinos como a israelies en un ensayo para ciencia politica.
Un saludo,
Juan F. Laverde.

March 02, 2005 11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recently I read On Identity by Amin Maalouf, a Lebanese writer. It is an exceptional philisophical book that relates to everything that is going on in the world. I'm constantly going back to it to re-read chapters. It is quite short, only about 130 pages, and a must read. His other books are mostly fiction, but nice as well.

March 03, 2005 3:06 PM  
Blogger Juan Pablo said...

Thanks Ashley! I'll check it out! It looks like in the US the book is published as "In the Name of Identity". I'll see if they have it at work.

March 03, 2005 5:44 PM  

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