Friday, February 11, 2005

A Pickle for the Knowing Ones

Ok, Jenn says I'm a dork for having bought this book, but I still think this guy is a genius!

His name is Lord Timothy Dexter, the "Lord" title, is self-conferred. He lived in the 1700's, was filthy rich and eccentric. He wanted to be an author, so he wrote a book and published it himself (A Pickle for the Knowing Ones). He disregarded every grammatical convention and made up words as he saw fit. He also avoided using any punctuation signs, which caused an uproar among the "well educated" wealthy people in his community. His response? A second edition of the book, identical to the first one, with the following APPENDIX at the end:

fouder mister printer the Nowing ones complane of my book the fust edition had no stops I put in A Nuf her and thay may peper and solt it as they plese


Come on! The guy is brilliant! The book is like twenty pages, and I have not stoped laughing! Maybe I am a dork after all?

You can listen to the NPR Weekend Edition (January 22, 2005) commentary on the book by clicking here
It is, at the very least, entertaining! (05:22 min).


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