Monday, February 21, 2005

Monday Morning

After a great week I finally get back to my desk and have time to write down some thoughts. It's 7:00 am and I just dropped Jenn off at the airport : ( She spent almost ten days visiting, and we were able to celebrate Valentine's together and share a wonderful week at her parents'. I'm glad we had a chance to see each other, and I'm even happier that I will visit her next month in Vancouver! I think I'm building up some resistance to my allergies, (they have several cats) on my first visits I could barely breath in their house, but the last two nights I actually made it without taking any antihistamines.
(10 minutes staring at my screen have gone by)... and suddenly I feel a bit nostalgic. The way life "happens" in front of our eyes is almost surreal, some days I feel I'm in a movie, and I can't tell if I'm watching it, or if I am part of it. In the past few months I have moved back home, my sister got married, my best friend's dad got diagnosed with cancer, a good friend's wedding got called off, my dad re-married, I visited my grandparents in Colombia, my girlfriend came home, went back to Vancouver, came back again, and now I'm going up there... and the upcoming months are not going to be any different; each week seems like a new scene, and after it has passed, I look back and ask myself: did that really happen?
...Some random thoughts I guess, but my lack of sleep is catching up with me, we had to be up at 3:30 this morning, and she finished packing like at 1:00 am. I still have a few hours before I go to work, I'm probably not making a lot of sense now so I should stop writing...


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