Monday, March 13, 2006

Did you hear the one about...

...the former pizza magnate who is building an all-catholic town where counterceptives and abortion are not allowed? I'm not kidding, the former owner of Domino's pizza even built a university, whose students will not be provided with "reproductive health services". Talk about fundamentalism. Get $200 million, buy your own town, make your own rules. Only in America.

Want to learn more? just go to Yeah, you guessed right. The town is called Ave Maria, and is being built as you read this article in the village of Asisi, in Naples, Florida. That's right here, in the United States of America.

Crazy Neocons, I don't see the difference between this and Islamic Fundamentalism. Perhaps they should also build an Inquisition Building to torture infidels who dare venturing into town. I would like to see the demographics of the area once the project is finished.


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