In the past 7 months I have:
- gotten sick :(
- "moved" to Houston :I
- lost a ball :(
- lost my hair :(
- become a US citizen : )
- lost my grandfather :(
- gotten better :)
- seen my family :)
- grown my hair out again :)
-gotten my pictures published in an online literary magazine.
- "moved" back to San Antonio :)
In the next 5 months I will:
- Publish an academic journal :)
- Organize 5 or 6 political events :)
- Finish my classes and three "incompletes" :)
- Go to Oklahoma for a leadership conference?:*
- Get a "Texas Master Naturalist" certificate :)
- Get a job :)
- Move back to Houston :)
- Figure out what to do about my thesis :)
I shall also:
- Blog again, more.
- Eat better.
- Climb again.:)
- Learn how to install a new hard drive on my Mac.:)
- Go to bed earlier.
- Call my grandma every weekend.
- Fix my car.
- Email friends more often.
- Especially old friends.
-Work out more.
- Put my jiraffe's ears back (don't even try to figure this one out).
I have become:
-A better person.
-A better friend.
-A better boyfriend.
-A better son/brother/grandson/nephew/...
I am:
I have not:
-Gone crazy.
-Been "born again" or any of that stuff.
-Gotten my ball back. Never will :(
I still:
- Procrastinate.
- Sleep Late.
- Like to organize stuff (some say I'm OCD).
- Go to support groups with little old ladies (don't ask).
- Drink a coke or two every now and then.
-Crave BBQ Brisket on a bi-weekly basis? Can't explain it.
-Have shirts I bought in the 90's.
-Sing in the shower, the same song...can't get it out of my head.
I now:
-Like pickles??
-Use an umbrella when it's raining (i.e. am old).
-Ride the bus sometimes.
-T.A. an American Government class.
-Have to deal with stupid insurance people.
-Owe lots of money in student loans.
-Get an average of 15 to 20 emails a day.
-Get an average of 5-6 hours of sleep.
-Dislike my loud neighbors.
-Try to call or email my mom every other day.
-No longer have a working digital camera :(
-Am planning a trip to Central America to meet high school friends.
-Have had a wonderful, wonderful girlfriend for almost two years.
-Am still good friends with one exgirlfriend.
-Never heard back from my other exgirlfriend; would like to.
-Need new shoes.
-Listen to music sometimes.
-Have a new indoor/outdoor thermometer!
-Am probably boring you if you're still reading this.
-Am clearly procrastinating.
-Have 10 vials of my sperm frozen somewhere in Houston (you know, the ball thing, just in case). And yes, that might be a little personal, but after all, it's my blog you're reading. Besides, it's kind of weird to think about it. I mean, think about it...somewhere, there are many, many little "yous" frozen in 10 tiny containers. Wouldn't it make you wonder how they're doing every now and then?
-Seem to have some influence in the PoliSci department at my school?
-Should be in bed.
If you can't figure out what to give me because you love me so much, consider the following two options:
1) Apple Store Gift Certificate.
2) REI Gift Certificate.
I may:
-Think of more things to say, but for now, this might be all.
Labels: life