Monday, January 31, 2005

Lomography - My Photo Album!

If you're wondering why I have not posted anything lately, well, Lomography is the answer. I've been working on an online album and I think it is finally ready for its debut, although it is certainly not finished!
It took me a while to get used to the Java frames, there are many "hidden" links, so make sure you check all 3 of my "walls" (albums), the 2 "mini-movies", and the city shots.
You can find me as JPMT or paste the following link:

I hope you like it!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Can you see the band? Posted by Hello

The Irony of a Lonely Band

The Setting:

A Wedding
two families
old friends
small town
rose petals on the floor
hughs, smiles, some tears
A band

The Irony:

Everyone left.
The band stayed. They played every song they had been hired to play, they came all the way from a neighboring town and wanted to be part of the celebration. Everything happend too fast, everyone was ready to go to the reception...the newlyweds left first, then the guests, then the families....the band stayed.
It was a good band. It was just nostalgic to see them playing on an empty plaza, in front of an empty church.
But they knew that people were listening...and watching. From the small shops around the plaza, across the street from the church.
I was listening, I wanted to stay! But it was my sister's wedding. It broke my heart to leave them playing by themselves, but it made me happy that they loved their music.
It's probably one of the nicest memories of the wedding.
They're still playing in my head.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

