
I let my hair grow. Not that it is very important (or that it is very long, for that matter) but most of you remember me with an almost shaved head. For those who thought that it never grew and didn't believe that I had it cut every three weeks, I hope you enjoy the picture.
My sister is getting married in January! She finished Law School in Colombia and just moved to Houston where she is studying Health Law.
I'm studying for the GRE and plan to apply for Grad School next Fall. Option #2 is to get certified as a Teacher, for which I am studying as well. Somehow one of these options is going to work out with Jenn's PhD. She will be applying to several schools. Once we find out the outcome of both applications and my teacher certification, we'll decide where to go from there.
My trip. What happened? Many of you should be asking what ever happened with my trip around the world! Well, sadly, I had to postpone it. I had everything ready, and was only waiting to get the US citizenship in order to be able to leave Houston for as long as I wanted. But the Immigration service did not consider that I had "resided" in the States for five consecutive years, since I did an exchange program in Colombia in the year 2000. Even though I was still enrolled in school in Houston, they said I had broken the "continuity" and needed to wait until January 2006 to re-apply. (Hence, the new apartment).
Everything else remains fairly unchanged. My family is doing well, I still work at the bookstore and I am looking forward to get a teaching job soon to get out of there, and I just finished setting up a black and white darkroom in my place! I'm sure I'm forgetting something but I can't think of anything else. Please use the comments option at the bottom of this text!Check my blog often; I hope to update it at least every two weeks.Cheers!
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